Tom’s story “I was apprehensive but now I’m feeling the benefits big time!”

Having seen how much my partner was enjoying Clubbercise and her telling me it was such great fun and a really good way to get fit, I decided to take the plunge and join her. As an overweight man approaching 40, needless to say not only was I apprehensive about going to a dance class but would it be beneficial?

My apprehension was totally unfounded and I was made to feel extremely welcome and comfortable by the instructor Natalie on my first of what has come to be many more Clubbercise sessions.

Despite not knowing any of the routines to start with I have quickly learned most of them. I couldn’t believe after the first session I was pouring with sweat! Could this be the start of something really beneficial in my life? My work is extremely stressful mentally and is predominantly desk based.

At the start of this year, I committed to attending Clubbercise as much as I could, which has worked out on average twice a week. I’ve cut out eating sugar and having chocolate fixes to get me through the day and I’ve started eating more healthy.

At the start of January I weighed 16.5 stone and after working over the Christmas period, not only was I overweight for a man of 39 years at 6’2″ but I was also stressed. Two months later, having committed to regular Clubbercise classes and healthy eating I am now weighing in at 14.5 stone and the inches are dropping off my waistline.

I’m also finding that the regular workouts are doing wonders for my mental wellbeing. I now feel a lot happier in general and have a much more positive outlook on life.

As an unfit male, with little to no coordination I would wholeheartedly recommend Clubbercise to any men wanting to get fit, especially if your other half goes. Nobody is judgemental and everyone has been so welcoming and encouraging.

I still want to lose more weight but I am confident that I will achieve my ultimate goal which is in no small part due to Clubbercise!

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