Clubbercise Instructor Debra who runs Inspire Fitness, is based in West Yorkshire and trained in 2015, here’s her story…
I have always loved fitness and dance. 4 years ago I had to undergo tests because they found lesions on my brain which indicated that I may have MS. I was having seizures and I had to cut back on some of my classes. After a few years of testing, it was discovered that I had fibromyalgia. I never stopped and I now use the energy of my classes to help with the symptoms and my mental health. A lot of my symptoms flare up because of stress. Symptoms include severe widespread pain, joint stiffness, depression, anxiety, memory loss and vitamin deficiency. I find that Clubbercise clears the stress and all the aches and pains I have. My business is growing day by day.
When did you launch Clubbercise?
Immediately after training as soon as my sticks arrived I was off! I spent probably a week getting all the choreography into my head. I couldn’t wait to get started.
How have your classes progressed since then?
They have gone through the roof! I can have up to 30 people per class and at the moment [during the coronavirus pandemic] I have up to 20 online.
What impact has Clubbercise had on your participants?
They feel energised healthy and happy after every session. They love it!! They even did it outside in the rain after the last lockdown.
How have you adapted to the situation around the pandemic?
Quite easily but I never stop working or plugging my classes. I have got all the technical gear and I have boarded my loft into a little online studio.
What are your plans for Clubbercise in 2021?
New choreography, new customers and maybe an extra class.
What would you say are the biggest benefits of Clubbercise for you, both from a business perspective and as a fitness concept?
It’s exciting and fresh, everyone knows the tracks. It’s upbeat and a fantastic cardio blast. It’s easy to market because it looks fun and eye-catching.