Meet Mel, a teacher who’s passionate about kids fitness

At night I teach Clubbercise classes for adults and during the day I teach PE at a Secondary School. I regularly see teenage girls more worried about their appearance in class, worrying about fitting in and getting it wrong overrule the fundamental enjoyment of getting sweaty and releasing the happy hormones.

I completed the Clubbercise Kids Combo course in 2017, which means I can teach Family, U13 and U18 Clubbercise.

Once a term, I join up with all the local secondary schools for a mass U18 Clubbercise event. The aim is to have fun, meet others and get moving.

As soon as the lights go off, you can hear the screams and feel the excitement. Our young clubbers plan their outfits for weeks. They practice their face paint styles. They genuinely get excited for the exercise.

It is an amazing, proud moment, seeing the students ‘let go’; forget about others in the room, live the moment for themselves and feel accepted.

Unfortunately, some young people, particularly girls never feel this in other PE lessons. I know this because the adults who attend my evening classes, tell me. I don’t want my current students to grow up not knowing what exercise can do for them. Some youngsters get it, sports that feature on the National Curriculum give them that enjoyment but some need Clubbercise.

My biggest compliment was from a year 9 pupil who I teach PE twice a week. She’s not a natural sports person but tries her best. PE is not her favourite subject but when she said after a U18 Clubbercise session “even I enjoyed that Miss, Thank you” my job was done. That moment you make one difference, that’s the glow!

MelJames FamilyClubbercise

Family Clubbercise is also a concept I’m passionate about. My Mum introduced me to dance and I am eternally grateful but I never danced with her, so sharing the love, laughter and fitness amongst families is a real honour.

I asked my clubber Heather what Family Clubbercise means to her and she said “My daughter is 13 and is only off her phone to eat and shower. My son is 7, he can be shy and worries what other people think of him. Initially, it was just me and my boy; he loved it, he came into his own on the dance floor and couldn’t wait to tell his sister, who then came to the following session.”

“For the first time in ages they didn’t argue and had a laugh together… Mainly at my lack of coordination! However, that hour brought us all together and we have been coming ever since.”

Personally, I’m coming into my 4th year teaching Clubbercise now and I can’t get enough of it! I teach Brownies and Guide troupes, school sessions and reward events, charity nights, Family clubbing and birthday parties, as well as my weekly sessions for adults.

My whole life is a dance floor and I aim to get the whole community having it large with Clubbercise!

Find out more about Family, U13 and U18 Clubbercise >>

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