Q&A with Active Health Clubs

Active Health Clubs were the first to launch Clubbercise classes in Cairns, Australia.

Here’s a Q&A with Adam Wilson, Active Health Clubs Director:

When did you launch Clubbercise?

August 2020

How have your classes progressed since then?

We started with one class per week on a Friday night and soon needed to add another class to cater for our morning members. We are fortunate to have a wonderful studio and invested in some great lighting to enhance the Clubbercise experience.

What impact has Clubbercise had on your participants?

We are seeing people in our classes who have never attended group fitness sessions before, some have even become Clubbercise obsessed!

What would you say are the biggest benefits of Clubbercise for you?

Having a program that is unique to our area is a great selling point for our business. Also, people get very excited when they see the marketing material and immediately want to be a part of it.

What would you say to someone thinking about launching Clubbercise?

Step outside of your box, get on board now and GLOW!

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